How can I redeem my voucher code?
Click on "Redeem voucher code" in step 3 (Payment Information). This will open a field for entering the code. After entering the code, please click "Apply" to deduct the amount from your purchase.
Why do I have to enter my name twice?
In the first step, you enter the buyer's information and then the skier's information. Since the buyer does not always ski themselves, the entry must be made twice. If you are logged in, the buyer's details (first and last name and email address) will be automatically filled in.
Payment cannot be processed
Check if all fields are filled out correctly. In particular, make sure the CVC code (the security code on the back of your credit card) is entered.
Error message "Oops, we seem to have a technical problem"
The problem may be related to your device or your email address. Try making the booking with a different device or a different email address.
Error message "The page has expired"
This is usually an issue with the browser you are using. Try making the booking again with a different and, importantly, updated browser (e.g., Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome).
Error message "Your credit card was declined"
Check with your credit card provider to see if the card has been blocked.
Error message "This is not a valid email address"
Check for any spaces before, after, or within the email address and remove them.
I entered my keycard or my SwissPass and can't proceed
Click on "Save guest information."